Become a Member

In addition to watching over the North Fork’s natural resources and important legislative activity, the NFEC watches every penny it spends. We have to. You’ve entrusted us to act in your best interest, whether it’s working with Town Hall, creating an awareness or educational program, or making the best use of our general operating funds.



Throughout the year, the NFEC needs your help in many different areas, such as: attending meetings in both Southold and Riverhead Towns, beach cleanups in September that coordinate with International Coastal Cleanup Day, volunteering at our Repair Cafes, etc. Your participation is needed to help show the public and the politicians that when it comes to the environment and our way of life, we’re not all talk…we’re active participants.

Become a Watchdog

Have you seen something that troubles you? Are you aware of acts that adversely affect the North Fork’s natural resources? Do you have suggestions on steps that can be taken to preserve the North Fork’s environment and our way of life?