Partners & Collaborators
Our Coalitions
Over the past four decades, NFEC has played an important role in protecting what we value on the North Fork. In many cases, we have worked closely with other environmental and civic groups to achieve these common goals.
NFEC relies on the caring of its members, supporters and volunteers and the time they give to be our ears, our eyes and to help our voices to be heard. However, we also rely on the generosity of our business members, sponsors and event/program supporters whose donations to NFEC make all of this works possible. We hope that you will support them just as they support us and our work.
Our Partners
Cornell Cooperative Extension Suffolk County
Drawdown East End
North Fork Dark Sky Coalition
Defend H2O
Save the Sound
Long Island Native Plant Initiative
Long Island Invasive Species Management Area
Peconic Green Growth
South Shore Audubon Society
Zero Waste USA
North Fork Audubon Society
Riverhead Neighborhood Preservation Coalition
WPKN Independent Community Radio Station
Peconic Estuary Partnership
The Nature Conservancy
Rogers Memorial Library
Southampton Arts Center
Long Island Pine Barrens Society
Green Inside and Out
Taking A Lead on Zero Waste
Long Island Organics Council
New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund
Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York
Our Communities
RNPC-Riverhead Neighborhood Preservation Coalition
Sound Park Heights
North Fork (Southold) Civics